How do I build a closer relationship with my child?

By Beverley Benita Yeo


We understand the worry, especially when your child is growing up and finding themselves along the way. It is intimidating to be faced with so much change, and even though you are parents, you are human as well, trying your best to adapt as much as possible. 


We have collated some tips for you in order to allow for the bond to flourish, feel free to take a read!


1. Be vulnerable with them! 

Knowing that your parent who is looking after you isn’t perfect gives comfort to those who are struggling because they no longer have the expectation to be as perfect. Allowing your child to see your mistakes along the way actually can strengthen the bond because they will know the mature and sensible way to react when they do make mistakes.



2. Listen to them

Sometimes teens know exactly what they need to do to resolve a problem, and even if they don’t they will seek mature advice. So, the best thing you can do for your child is ensure they feel heard, that their problems are real and it is challenging to deal with them at such a young age. Don’t give into the temptation where you feel their problems are trivial, remember, they are going through life for the first time! They WILL be scared and unfamiliar. 



3. Accept Accept Accept

As a parent, the best thing you can do for your child is to love them unconditionally and to accept them for who they are no matter what. Every child will feel the safest with their parents when they know they don’t have to work in order to feel loved. Wouldn’t you want your child to feel comfortable and secure with you?



4. Give them the validation they need

Every child at some point in their life would want to feel slightly recognised for their efforts. Even if it’s regarding their problems, it would be good to give your child some validation that their emotions and problems ARE problems that will be difficult to deal with. You never know if you are the only listening ear who is holding them together. 



5. Enjoy the good moments together

I can’t emphasise how important laughing and having fun is for relationship building. The endorphins that will be released will allow you and your child to be so much closer together because both of you will associate happiness with each other (if it happens often enough). Life, though hard, is supposed to still be full of love, beauty and fun. Don’t forget to enjoy it!


At Learning Sphere, we have dedicated teachers to help students cultivate these successful habits! Our teachers also work closely with parents to provide timely feedback through monthly assessments and check-in. We understand that we are not expecting to see a change in the students overnight, but what we hope to achieve is a gradual improvement and students being able to better manage themselves and their time at home and in school! Join our Telegram community to receive access to more resources or Whatsapp us to find out more about our classes!

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